Key Elements of Plein Air Painting #2


Plein air workshop #2, JULY 21-23. Join George Van Hook, a nationally recognized artist has won numerous PleinAir competitions and awards from around the country for his oils and watercolors, for a three day plein air workshop. George stresses allaprima painting and using a loose and fast approach to capture the landscape in the first try. Participants will be meeting on location and painting all day from 9am-4pm with a break for lunch. Workshop includes live demos and individual attention.

Please bring your own plein air equipment, supports, and media (oil, pastel, watercolor, acrylic, easel). SEE MATERIAL LIST PDF HERE.

We will begin each day with a demo by the artist. At that time, he will discuss composition, laying out the pallet, proper use of materials and all other aspects of plein air painting. We will then break up into groups and paint individually. He will then provide individual instruction helping solve the issues for each artist. After lunch, he will do a quick demo to refresh the ideas presented at the start. Painters will start a second painting for the afternoon with additional individual instruction.

After 4 pm we can simply paint as a group. George has found this to be the most congenial and beneficial experience of the day. Evenings can be spent enjoying one another’s company in conversation about their experiences of the day.

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