Program Partnerships

At the Bozeman Art Museum, we are dedicated to providing accessible quality, skill-based art education to the Bozeman community. It is out strongly held belief that art is an important component of a well-rounded education and life. There are numerous studies that document the importance of art, music, and dance in the development of healthy, creative children. BAM’s educational team strives to develop strong partnerships with local educators to bring art education to students K-12, as well as our newly launched Creative Aging program for seniors of the community.

See a list of program partnerships below.

Amsterdam School

Anderson School

Belgrade Community Library

Big Brothers / Big Sisters

Bozeman Public Library

Bozeman Summit School


Eagle Mount

Educatio Studio Learning

Gallatin County Homeschool Co-Op

Gallatin County Rest Home

Gallatin County YMCA

Gallatin Gateway School

Heritage Christian


Montana Science Center

Mount Ellis Academy

Museum of the Rockies (TBA)

Pass Creek School

Springhill School

The Springs

Washington Elementary – Livingston

Whittier Elementary

XY Learning Center