Bring value to our community & show your support for local art –
Your business can become part of bringing art programming to the Gallatin Valley and showing our community you care. Underwrite an exhibit or support our school, community and adult programming.

Contact us at info@bozemanartmuseum.org for more info or donate below:
Your sponsorship will allow us to:
- Expand art education accessibility to more youth during the school year
- Make available more after-school, summer and holiday programming
- Continue to host educational and informative lectures by prominent artsts and experts
- Offer high-quality workshops to artists of all levels
- Expanded hours of operations for the increased opportunities to enjoy our exhibits
- Keep our programs free for all & ever expanding in Gallatin & Park Counties
Current Coporate Sponsors

Full list of supporters here:
- One Valley Community Foundation
- Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce
- C Walker Cross Foundation
- Map Brewery
- Owenhouse Ace Hardware
- Altitude Gallery
- Foundant Tecnologies
- Gallatin Valley Realtors Association
- Bozeman Area Community Foundation- John Ingalls Fund
- Browning Kimball Foundation
- Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation
- First Security Bank of Bozeman
- Gianforte Family Foundation
- Humanities Montana
- Montana Arts Council
- Montana Cultural Trust
- Robert A Day Foundation
- Southwest Montana Arts
- Zoot Industries