Bozeman Art Museum

2025 Exhibits
January 3rd – March 15th
March 28th – April 26th
Artists paint July 20th-26th, Exhibit Open July 26th – August 30th
New Frontiers: Contemporary & Digital Art
TBD in September
Miniature Art Auction 2025
TBD in November
With each exhibit we will host events to meet the artists, practice fine art skills, and participate in Bozeman’s art community. In addition to public classes, workshops, and lectures, we provide ongoing free school art programs at 13 schools in Gallatin and Park County, serving over 1,400 K-12 children in public schools that have little to no funding in the visual arts. Want to teach art or help build a strong art community in Bozeman? We need volunteers.
Setting roots at our current location in 2020, the Bozeman Art Museum has been hosting exhibits for over three years and in development since 2012. We are rapidly expanding our presence in the community and need your help to continue spreading the word. Our vision includes advancing our programs to accommodate three permanent collections and accessibility to over 85,000 visitors per year.
Currently, we have an exhibit space right off of main nestled between the Frugal Frame Shop and Distinctive Lighting. We are looking to acquire land to begin construction on a permanent location. Check out our vision for more.
Visit us at 2612 W Main St
Bozeman Art Museum pledges that, in fulfillment of our educational mission, we will strive to operate according to national standards and best practices to the best of our abilities and in accordance with our resources.
American Alliance of Museums Pledge of Excellence, signed June 17th 2022
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